- Range of progressively more severe illnesses due to increasingly overwhelming heat stress
- Begins with dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities and progresses to thermoregulatory dysfunction and multisystem organ failure
- Body temperature is maintained within a narrow range by balancing heat production with heat dissipation
- Oxidative phosphorylation becomes uncoupled and essential enzymes cease to function above 108°F (42°C)
Heat Stroke
- Core body temp >105°F (40.5°C)
- Failure of thermoregulatory function leads to severe central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction and multisystem organ failure
- Classic heat stroke (nonexertional):
- Occurs in patients with compromised thermoregulation or an inability to remove themselves from a hot environment (e.g., extremes of age, debilitated)
- Develops over days to weeks, usually during heat waves
- Severe dehydration, skin warm and dry
- Exertional heat stroke:
- Younger, athletic patients with combined environmental and exertional heat stress (e.g., military recruits)
- Develops over hours
- Internal heat production overwhelms dissipating mechanisms, often despite persistent sweating
Heat Exhaustion
- Core temp moderately elevated but usually <104°F (40°C)
- Fluid and/or salt depletion occurs secondary to heat stress
- Thermoregulatory function is maintained and CNS function is preserved
- Variable nonspecific symptoms including malaise, headache, fatigue, and nausea
- If left untreated, progresses to heat stroke
- Pre-existing conditions that hinder the body's ability to dissipate heat predispose for heat-related illness:
- Age extremes
- Dehydration (incl. gastroenteritis, inadequate fluid intake)
- Cardiovascular disease (incl. CHF, CAD)
- Obesity
- Diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma
- Febrile illness
- Skin diseases that hinder sweating (incl. psoriasis, eczema, cystic fibrosis, scleroderma)
- Pharmacologic contributors:
- Sympathomimetics
- LSD, PCP, cocaine
- MAO inhibitors, antipsychotics, anxiolytics
- Anticholinergics
- Antihistamines
- β-blockers
- Diuretics
- Laxatives
- Drug or alcohol withdrawal
- Environmental factors:
- Excessive heat/humidity
- Prolonged exertion
- Lack of mobility
- Lack of air conditioning
- Lack of acclimatization
- Occlusive, nonporous clothing
Pediatric Considerations
Children are at increased risk of heat illness due to increased body surface area to mass ratio and lower sweat production
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