- Axial twist of a portion of the GI tract around its mesentery causing partial or complete obstruction of the bowel
- Often associated with other GI abnormalities
- In pediatric setting, infants typically involved:
- Abnormal embryonic development
- Can be precipitated by pathologic distention of the colon
- Blood supply may be compromised by venous congestion and eventual arterial inflow obstruction, leading to gangrene of the bowel and potential infarction
- Third most common cause of colonic obstruction (10–15%) following tumor and diverticular disease
- Epidemiology:
- 0–1 yr old: 30%
- 1–18 yr old: 20%
- Over 18 yr old: 50%
- Often associated with other GI abnormalities
- Cecum (52%):
- More common in young adults, <50 yr old
- Due to improper congenital fusion of the mesentery with the posterior parietal peritoneum, causing the cecum to be freely mobile in varying degrees
- Associated with increased gas production (malabsorption and pseudo-obstruction)
- Can be seen in pregnancy and after colonoscopy
- Sigmoid (43%):
- More common in:
- Elderly
- Institutionalized
- Chronic bowel motility disorders (Parkinson)
- Psychiatric diseases (schizophrenia)
- Due to redundant sigmoid colon with narrow mesenteric attachment
- Associated with chronic constipation and concomitant laxative use
- Transverse colon and splenic flexure (5%)
- Gastric volvulus (rare) associated with diaphragmatic defects
Pediatric Considerations
- Midgut volvulus:
- Due to congenital malrotation in which the midgut fails to rotate properly in utero as it enters the abdomen
- Entire midgut from the descending duodenum to the transverse colon rotates around its mesenteric stalk, including the superior mesenteric artery
- Common in neonates (80% <1 mo old, often in first week; 6–20% >1 yr old)
- Males > females, 2:1
- Sudden onset of bilious emesis (97%) with abdominal pain
- May have previous episodes of feeding problems/bilious emesis
- In children >1 yr old, associated with failure to thrive, alleged intolerance to feedings, chronic intermittent vomiting, bloody diarrhea
- Constipation
- Mild distention, since obstruction higher in GI tract
- May not appear toxic based on degree of ischemia
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